Educational Programme
Complementing, not compromising, an athlete’s education.
The Team Evolution Educational Programme is tailored to meet the unique educational needs of each athlete. Much like our Athletic Programme, the education faculty aims to instill a broader vision that learning extends beyond the time spent at school or university, shaping each individual’s perspective and comprehension of life. We strive to foster confidence in every student, encouraging them to ask questions and cultivate a passion for lifelong learning. Only with a clear understanding of how to learn will a student progress fully as a student-athlete, and thus an approach of hardwork, dedication and commitment, along with the continued strive for excellence, is expected from all Team Evolution Athletes.
The Team Evolution Educational Programme works via remote independent learning, and runs with constant communication with each student’s UK based educational facilities via our Schools Liaison Officer. Athlete’s on the Team Evolution Programme remain in their UK school, and our Schools Liaison Officer is responsible for organising and managing each athlete’s workload by communicating with a direct point of contact at the school. It is the Schools Liaison Officer’s role to ensure that trainees receive work at the same pace as it would be delivered in normal UK education.
From September through to April, the Team Evolution Educational Programme provides a minimum of three hours of compulsory schooling per day, for five days a week, for all students still in UK Education. The Educational Programme is supported by a minimum of three tutors, and they are responsible for supporting the athlete’s in the three core subjects of Maths, English and Science. For camps taking place in September and October, staff are taken on the road in order to provide educational support, wherever athletes may be training. From November, the Educational Programme takes place in our newly built private classrooms at the Radstadt Hauptschule, providing a safe and productive environment in which to learn. The Educational Programme is delivered during all training weeks in Austria, regardless of if UK schools are on holiday or not, while the small team size also allows us to take tutors on the road during specific events, camps away from base, or whilst at FIS races, should it be deemed necessary for individual trainees.

At Team Evolution we believe that students must take an active role in making the most out of their academic opportunities, and part of that responsibility is completing the work in a timely fashion and to a high standard. Students are taught to be proactive in how they manage their time and work to get ahead where appropriate. Tutors are always available throughout the week for additional revision or individual tutoring, and it is the athlete’s responsibility to make sure they engage with these opportunities as required.
The Educational Programme at Team Evolution strives to build a commitment to further each students learning process. As such, the Team Evolution Educational Programme has three key goals:
- To ensure that a students time as an athlete does not impact on their education.
- To help them develop the skills required to appreciate their opportunities as a student athlete, allowing them to learn from their environment as well as from their curriculum.
- To achieve educational goals that would not be possible within a regular classroom environment.
Staff provide educational reports for each training block, follow the work set by each athlete’s UK School as a priority, and by utilising small class sizes and private tutorial sessions, deliver on the three key goals of the Educational Programme.